Z3R0 Below
I heard the motif and I was hooked. Standing in front of the recording station with my eyes closed swaying back and forth while I played, I almost forgot to end the song, I'd have kept swaying for an hour to that guitar. Damn, what a great ride!
25 février 2021 à 05:34

25 février 2021 à 06:23

Oh Nick, I was in a total, um, like "lost in Pink Floyd" kind of groove. I was just swaying in space, I love this!! <3:W:Y
25 février 2021 à 11:54

An honour to have you onboard - feel very blessed for this track to have so many top musicians contribute. You not only add sonic depth, but melodic and emotional depth, too. Virtuoso display! <3
25 février 2021 à 16:25

Thank YOU Dan. This is the awesome level of creativity that I could only dream to discover on my local area music scene. It's a gift to be able to play along to tracks like this, you made a really unique motif, I appreciate it. :W
25 février 2021 à 17:45

25 février 2021 à 19:07

Those dudes made an awesome motif, i was happy to be able to join in. It needs some sax. ;)
26 février 2021 à 04:13

Oh wow this is a trip. I just uploaded my version of this with Ezio and Xavi. 1:25 electrifying jitterbug wigout. Deep rich sound, great against NIck. Top shelf Joe
4 mars 2021 à 04:44

4 mars 2021 à 18:09

4 mars 2021 à 18:09

3 mars 2021 à 20:51

Nice bass Joe, so mellow and groovy with some really cool licks in there as Nick pointed out. The one at 2:30 sounds like one I use occasionally (haha) .. here it's kind of an answer and continuation to Nick's riff just before it .. sounds so cool! The little bendy thing you do is wicked as well. Great song bro!! :W:W
3 mars 2021 à 21:36

Yes, the traditional pentatonic rundown! :o When it fits, it goes in, lololol, something that always works on the fly. Nick writes and records some really awesome stuff.
4 mars 2021 à 01:29

24 août 2024 à 18:42

Rock sessions avec Batterie, Sequencer, Guitare and Basse:
Bonzo Breaks bass add
D. Darko's Disco (PJE-Drums)
Guitar-Bass-Drum Garage Rock
Still Winter
Bring to the Boil..
Rock slammer
Light on the Horizon
🐳 Stranded Whales (Lenny - drums)
Sowing Tears
Griddle Cakes
The Return of Osiris
KILLER On the Road
Bass never lies
Lights in the Darkness.
Take me to the Jam!!!
Police Abuse
Oceans 2
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