exhale demons
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
such a stunning lyric and delivery! i was scared to touch anything so beautifull, but then thats what we do on the loops.
hope mr diplo and JDF arent too pissed at me.
15 décembre 2022 à 09:22

15 décembre 2022 à 18:15

15 décembre 2022 à 19:11

15 décembre 2022 à 12:35

16 décembre 2022 à 13:26

Works great! The part at 1:20 was always meant to be bigger and have more going on, I'm just not accomplished enough as a guitarist to do anything complex, so it's great to have these contributions!
16 décembre 2022 à 14:31

Ahhhh.... bless you. I'm always glad shen the instigator of a track like what I do. Even better when he flatters my playing.
K nearly always llvecshat you do.
Andcthexaddition ofxa great lyric and delivery makes it even more stunning. +1
K nearly always llvecshat you do.
Andcthexaddition ofxa great lyric and delivery makes it even more stunning. +1
Rock sessions avec Sequencer and Vocals:
Side by Side (together) w fretless
Ride !
Atme ein
Dream Flows
Again again
It's Complicated
Techno King
Exhale Demons + solos
One Little Rush
Groove It Up!!!
Am Wochenende
Crossroads +
Today's ammends
Today - AndelsMix
Final Words
Escape The Tears
Waterfall +
Paint Your Face - REMAKE
wikiloops online jamsessions are brought to you with friendly
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I love the supportive vibe of the musicians,all this talent! and lots of great music created on so many levels, it's really special&truly inspiring!