Zer∅,I Am One by Tu
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Thanks Dan,Ezio,Dirk and Tu HD Vocals #217143 Fantastic Song, :W I have changed the second part of the structure and rhythms and solos of the guitars :D:D
8 mai 2021 à 02:24

My head is spinning trying to figure out how you conjured up this witchcraft, but i'm just going with it, spectacular mix, and song, I feel like this song went to the spa and got a mud treatment and a cucumber eye soak, and has come out a new song. Fantastic effort, and work, thanks amigo this is really special!
8 mai 2021 à 03:06

<3<3 Thanks mi querido amigo Dirk,H.H. always do the impossible, that's why they are headless,LoL!!! Great Job all band :W:W
8 mai 2021 à 07:03

8 mai 2021 à 23:13

8 mai 2021 à 07:28

8 mai 2021 à 23:13

Rock sessions avec Batterie, Guitare, Sequencer and Basse:
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