Thank you for this awesome musical beauty Dan & Gary..
I played my hohner echo harp. Hope I didn't spoil it.
8 mai 2021 à 21:32

9 mai 2021 à 10:31

9 mai 2021 à 01:39

9 mai 2021 à 10:31

9 mai 2021 à 05:23

9 mai 2021 à 10:30

9 mai 2021 à 07:00

9 mai 2021 à 10:30

10 mai 2021 à 21:18

Rock sessions avec Sequencer, Guitare and Harmonica:
favoris Rock:
Papa's Gun!
Groovy Drum
Into the Groove (Shi vocal version)
Glacier Pools....
The Road - with bass
A Pious Bird Of Good Omen
Rock drum 1
ZZ Shuffle...
The Beginning
Backwoods Drift
Intro Vers Chorus Vers Chorus Intro Chorus Outro = RocknRoll
Highway Rock
Extraordinarily Ordinary -
Two Wheels Runnin'
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What's really unique here is the positive attitude of the community, with encouragement and support for everyone. I found that nowhere else on the net.