Hotter Than Hail
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
OK, I'm not a jazz guy, but when I heard this track by these three incredible musicians it got into my head. Loved it. I added some rhythm guitar and they graciously left open space for a solo around the 1:15 mark. Just a pure joy working on this. -- Gator
26 juillet 2018 à 08:17

26 juillet 2018 à 17:15

26 juillet 2018 à 19:47

27 juillet 2018 à 15:37

6 septembre 2018 à 00:07

Jazz-Rock sessions avec Batterie, Basse, Saxophone and Mix:
favoris Jazz-Rock:
Forgotten Dreams (without Drums)
Walking Down
The Lab
Coffee Chocolate and Nutmeg Spice
Space Fusion
Where Did My Life Go
Mystic Trance
On Sunday Nights
Got no home (Roamin')
Hammond and Fender add
The Leaver
A Half Forgotten Dream
If I Could See You Now
Standard Issue
Thinking kids
12 Monkeys
Mentra 6/8 Plus
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