
  1. 11 mai 2024
    World jam avec shiihs à la Clavier Piste # 294272
    The silent ones
    de hartmut & shiihs
  2. 10 mai 2024
    Unplugged jam avec shiihs à la Clavier Piste # 294188
    Nick Nack Paddy Wack
    de shiihs
  3. 1 mai 2024
    Rock jam avec shiihs à la Clavier Piste # 293687
    When plates go their separate ways
    de Psychedelic1 & shiihs


I enjoy a wide range of music, from classical to experimental, including microtonal and algorithmically generated music. In my music I regularly look for ways to combine ideas or techniques of "traditional" composition with more experimental or generative techniques. (But I certainly also enjoy some good old "normal" music :)).


Midi sometimes is generated from supercollider, sometimes played live on a keyboard/synth, and then either kept or corrected in the DAW,
sometimes completely drawn in the DAW.

Audio is generated by a Roland Integra-7 module, a Sequential Rev2 synth (which doubles as midi controller), a KAWAI NV10 digital grand piano, a Casio WK6700 workstation and/or supercollider (a computer programming language for sound synthesis and algorithmic composition). I'm also using VSTs and software synths, including Pianoteq, Organteq, yoshimi, Odin2, Surge-XT and Vitalium.

recording devices

I'm currently recording on a linux laptop running EndeavourOS with pipewire/wireplumber using ardour 8.6. Audio is recorded using a Behringer U-PHORIA UMC1820. Midi is recorded either using USB-midi, or (infrequently) via an old midisport 1x1 interface (nowadays, I could also use the Behringer, just haven't tried it yet). For vocals in the past I have used a USB AT2020 microphone (but I don't record vocals often).

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morceaux publics : 116
fans: (pouces)760
pouces donnés : 451
commentaires: 679
posté sur forum : 67
remixes reçus : 116
vues de jams :28.342
the stage fans

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I supported Wikiloops not for their name, I support it because it was a great idea & is a great way for musicians to jam outside their circles.
Evosaki900 from United States

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