Milky Way Mayday -Part Two
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Some serious problems with the drive mechanism. The journey started well but something got into the engine! Just added bit more trouble to Mike and Stefan's Track. A fun ride. Thanks for listening.
6 décembre 2023 à 20:34

Very cool addition <3 I was half expecting to also hear some "extended playing techniques" (things like playing the buttons without blowing into the reed, or blowing into the reed without making notes - I think these types of sounds would fit quite nicely in a track like this). I also enjoyed the little elegy you played near the end of the track. I'm impressed!
6 décembre 2023 à 20:37

Electronic sessions avec Clavier, Sequencer and Saxophone:
favoris Electronic:
Wide Open
A Brief Respite (drums added)
Six T B Boy Celebrate
While We're Together
Farewell - amb guitar
Glance du Secret
Seeing Stars
Fun in the Lounge 🎶
Two Moons
Again, again
experimental dark vocals ethereal
Space Wrinkles
Anywhere You Go w Niklas & OliV
* Soli *
Secret Glance
Wide open (batt, drums)
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