Rage for Order (bass add)
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Good stuff.
Harley Benton TE-52 NA Vintage Series
Electric Guitar
159 €
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20 avril 2023 à 01:46
20 avril 2023 à 06:56
20 avril 2023 à 06:36
20 avril 2023 à 06:56
That was the Schecter, I'm having issues trying to get that full sound with the Warrior, still dialing it in. I appreciate the listen. :-)
20 avril 2023 à 07:01
The first one I did with the new Warrior was: Track # 267783 - it sounded okay but now I can't find the tone I got on that track either. Very frustrating, lol.
20 avril 2023 à 07:07
20 avril 2023 à 07:14
I gave away the bass with the bite, it's going to be work to get that sound out of the $12k bass. It's got it's own magic, but it doesn't have the same overdrive. Not sure what I was thinking.
20 avril 2023 à 18:05
haha, i like it Joe, don't take it as a negative bro. i've heard probably 100+ rock/metal tracks of yours so i was used to that "Joe tone" you had, your own identity you know. now you got a new one, and looking forward to hearing more as you dial it in :W:W
20 avril 2023 à 18:20
I'm working on getting it dialed back in, I was into the sound. The new bass is amazing but I want that tone back. lol. The grass is always greener I guess.
20 avril 2023 à 07:54
20 avril 2023 à 17:57
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