

flag Maitland NSW Supporting Member



  1. 23 mai 2022
    Blues jam avec dash1 à la Vocals Piste # 244747
    Homesick Blues
    de dash1
  2. 7 février 2021
    Country jam avec dash1 à la Vocals Piste # 210184
    de dash1


I grew up listening to country music although I love all genres.
Recently I started writing songs. With the help of some amazing people I have found a hidden talent, I hope to improve on and share with like-minded people. I joined a group of songwriters helping songwriters and met some legendary songwriters who I grew up listening to. With their advice and guidance, I found a taste for lyrics and hope my songs can touch the hearts of others. My oldest sons are musicians and inspiring me. By default is the name of my son's band. I may be biased but I think he is amazing. Check him out on one of his pages https://www.facebook.com/ByDefaultOfficial or https://www.facebook.com/Bipolar007 enjoy,https://youtu.be/Rkqdfda5HiA


I am a four chord guitarist. Four chords does all. I always love a campfire sing along.

recording devices

Im very green when it comes to recording. I decided to start learning with demo downloads. Using LogicPro seems to be a safe bet. Has most of what I need for now

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morceaux publics : 16
fans: (pouces)251
pouces donnés : 5.087
commentaires: 1.674
posté sur forum : 77
remixes reçus : 61
vues de jams :33.985
the stage fans

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