angels cry

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dash1 16 jams

Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
+ 16
10 févr. 2021
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Ernie Ball 2221 Regular Slinky Gitarrensaiten
Saitensatz für E-Gitarre
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Hey man,
so good to have more vocalists here :W. If I may suggest a few little things: It's always good to give a few more details or a story about your track, after all it's all about the interaction between people here. So if you write a bit about it, maybe put the lyrics in the "lyrics" tab etc, it will help for people to engage :) Also many here love to hear how you record, what mic, etc. if you put down a little bit of that once in a while, that might me cool, too.
Anyway, cool stuff, look forward hearing more from you :)
10 février 2021 à 19:14
dash1 Thanks Teehee. I think the more I learn from everyone here the more info I will provide. Im waiting for someone to do the vocals for this song then I will remove my version. This is only for the melody. Cheers +1
10 février 2021 à 19:16
dash1 Sorry TeeGee auto correct +1
10 février 2021 à 19:34
TeeGee Lol i've been called worse before ;) +2
A very good Voice dash. How do you record? Best greetings :) +1
10 février 2021 à 19:11
dash1 Thanks jamdrums. Im still learning. Im trying NCH recording program. Stadium wireless mic. Any suggestions? +1
26 février 2021 à 04:59
mdn Hi Dash! Nice voice man! I just got NCH and the Wavepad editor. Like you I'm trying to get my sea legs with the mixing stuff. +1
27 février 2021 à 09:48
dash1 cheers mate. I have a lot to learn. I really enjoy singing and writing lyrics so time to share and hope people can enjoy my story +1
Cool job. In real life, it would be good to see you in my band. :).
Personally, I need a count in in a recording and I've learned not to accept distorsions because they ruin all investments of time. Jump in a track, if you like! :)
11 février 2021 à 00:07
dash1 Thanks mate.I only sung this to give the melody for anyone who would like to take it on. Im still finding my feet with the recording and recording programs. Any advise on that would be greatly appreciated +0
14 février 2021 à 18:54
Neronick The best advice: trust your ears. After any recording take a day rest and listen again. :) +1
You have a great voice. I like this.<3 +1
18 février 2021 à 10:14
dash1 Thanks deezee. Now I need musical talent like you to make my songs work the way I see them in my head +0
liking the lyrics and your vocal interpretation dash :) +1
21 février 2021 à 12:25
dash1 Thanks Shi. I hear this song being sung by someone with flowing gentle tones. Maybe someone with feel it enough to put some nice vocals to it +0
Great voice, Dash. Welcome to the loops 😊 +1
14 mars 2021 à 09:03
dash1 cheers mate +1
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