Rave Moves
Great fun with this open-ended track from Marc.
Went all dance beat on it. Hit record, played a pumping, constant dance beat throughout, mixed it, employed a ton of compressors and here we are. God know what you chaps and chapesses can do with it!
Good exercise in sustaining a driving dance beat! There's a *lot* of compression going on!
No reverb on the HD.
12 septembre 2018 à 20:22
12 septembre 2018 à 20:26
12 septembre 2018 à 21:32
12 septembre 2018 à 21:57
Wow Martin! Such an energetic powerfull play! This is a dancefloor filler, needs some groovebass on it now! Love it!
13 septembre 2018 à 18:43
14 octobre 2019 à 21:45
Electronic sessions avec Batterie and Clavier:
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