Storm Chaser
Definitely a bit of an '80s thing for me with this splendid track from Marc, so that's what I went for. Trying new overhead mic positions - not sure I like it yet!
Green sections are just straight, up-tempo time, doing my best Linn Drum impression. Other sections are half time then back to up-tempo time for the ending with a disco-style off-beat hi-hat joining in.
I did toy with doing the half-time section with the drums reversed but decided it'll probably ...
31 octobre 2018 à 19:49
Hey Martin, very glad you got to this track this quick after all!
Listened it on my way back from a busy day at work! Enjoyed it a lot, and your approach playing it straight gives it a great feel! This way it gotten so much tighter! Love it Martin! Thanks! +3
Listened it on my way back from a busy day at work! Enjoyed it a lot, and your approach playing it straight gives it a great feel! This way it gotten so much tighter! Love it Martin! Thanks! +3
1 novembre 2018 à 00:11
31 octobre 2018 à 20:55
1 novembre 2018 à 00:09
2 novembre 2018 à 08:58
2 novembre 2018 à 17:36
2 novembre 2018 à 19:19
3 novembre 2018 à 09:02
After listening several times and reading Martins comments I have to underline that he played just *phantastic* in the computer-modus! I feel very well with this kind of drumming, so I do blossom out when playing. Thanks for this work, dear Martin!
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