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Stalking Vocalists by MySounds

Stalking Vocalists

Stalking Vocalists
À propos de cet album

I am usually hesitant in adding to vocal tracks. Maybe it has something to do with the often very personal lyrics or the sheer quality of the singing. But we are blessed with some very talented (and forgiving) vocalists on WikiLoops who - despite my reluctance - have drawn me into their tracks. So, thank you all for your creativity and the joy you give.
MySounds créé par MySounds on 26 juil. 2023

Apprécié: 8
Ecoutes: 336 fois

Artistes impliqués

great album full of messages


Chronique par ivax le 26 juil. 2023

Great Album,Thomas .... thanks for including me in this group of incredible musicians and singers. The vocalists always contribute a very human part, on personal occasions and in general many times we see ourselves reflected in their lyrics


Chronique par JEF29730 le 28 juil. 2023

😉 Thanks for this my friend 🤘😁
Major 3rd

Great line up, great adds, great songs, great album!


Chronique par Major 3rd le 27 juil. 2023

What a pleasure to listen to this album. Thomas's adds are always magical...Honored to be included in this album....but I want my daughter delivered back home! lol

really cool collection of tracks


Chronique par rootshell le 26 juil. 2023

thank you Thomas for the inclusion, and what a nice collection of singers, musicians, tracks. great idea and showcase of your work, bravo!

Supercool Album


Chronique par deezee le 26 juil. 2023

Thank you for including mine. Beautiful songs and music.

Great collection


Chronique par axenvocs le 26 juil. 2023

You have picked some winner's for sure ! honored to be in the company of some fantastic singers.

Some Great Tracks And Vocals Here


Chronique par TEE-KWA le 2 oct. 2023

Thanks For Including Me.... Appreciated
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