Hermine on the beach
Hurricane season is here hope all stay safe, And Jam out
3 septembre 2016 à 19:35

4 septembre 2016 à 11:15

17 septembre 2016 à 05:03

17 septembre 2016 à 12:21

17 septembre 2016 à 13:17

Coming up from Joe remix, need to give a proper compliment for this awesome drums track ! great job Axe!
17 septembre 2016 à 13:48

21 mai 2017 à 18:39

4 juillet 2017 à 19:08

12 juin 2019 à 18:53

17 septembre 2016 à 14:29

18 septembre 2016 à 01:20

Shuffle sessions avec Batterie:
shuffle in 55
Shuffle what a passion
Shuffle The Deck
Coffee Song
Shuffle 'em good
food for the blueslovers
X Marks The Spot
Classic shuffle drums parts
Freddy Below spirit in me for this shuffle drums, DrummerGod
6/8ths shuffle drums
some more 12-bar shuffle for the blues section
Shuffle funk drums, all steady at 134bpm...
Weekend Shuffle
Eastern River
Shuffling cymbals around in turn
Shuffle It Up
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I think that Wikiloops is the dream that every musician had ever... to share ideas and projects, even is a form of collective learning, fusion of styles, good atmosphere among friends, always with respect...