For You-Pour Toi-Per Te- Für Dich
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
An amazing song by Patrick. I used broken 16th notes on the high hat during the chorus. This was my 1st attempt at this. Learned this watching Carter Buford explain how to do it on YouTube years takes some bravery, and going with the song, it seems to make the beat more rhythmic... Anyway, need bass, keys, guitar... please!
Pop sessions avec Batterie, Guitare Acoustique and Vocals:
All For You...and.....
Grüne Erde - The green Earth
DafunkyDrummer/Oliv's Think Pink+Shi Some Kind
Make It So
New Ways
Doo Wah
Rusty Sunday
~Inside My Head~
on my way + drums
What More Can I Do
Exode + drums
...And What More Can I Do
Shining (Drums+Percs)
Everything You Love (drums added)
Ensemble nous irons..
make it so...
Olivs On my way with Shi vocal
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