I Rolled With It.
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
This reminded me of something from the 80's, to early 90's, so I gave it a Michael Anthony type feel. I hope I did it some justice, as I'm mixing with headphones, and it's always a crap shoot that way.
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18 janvier 2016 à 00:25
Yeah hard mixing with just headphones, I do the same thing so never know the outcome..lol
Welcome to the loops and great stuff, added another layer.. +1
Welcome to the loops and great stuff, added another layer.. +1
18 janvier 2016 à 08:45
18 janvier 2016 à 07:06
18 janvier 2016 à 08:45
20 janvier 2016 à 10:25
Thanks a lot for playing a second bassline on this great track - like your fat tone!! Awesome man!!
20 janvier 2016 à 23:14
Sith Lord
Thank you. I actually used an octaver in my effects processor. Never once touched the B or E strings. Doing it this way for whatever reason, made it sound a bit brighter than using the B string, so I stuck with it for this one.
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