Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Brutal jam!
30 novembre 2024 à 01:56
All thru the 1990s I used to go shark fishing out of Tampa Florida once a year.
We would spend the morning catching bait fish then go out to deeper water by noon.
We would then cut the baitfish, toss them in the water to get a shark feeding frenzy going.
Scariest thing I evver experienced was a 15 foot Hammerhead surfacing 4 feet from the boat and staring me in the eye. Eyeball to eyeball with a stone cold death machine(Theres a song title). Every hair on my arm raised up and I froze just staring into its lifeless cold eye.
Ill never forget the hair on my arms just standing straight up.
[img]https://i.insider.com/650b317e12dc4f001a175dfb?width=700[/img] +1
We would spend the morning catching bait fish then go out to deeper water by noon.
We would then cut the baitfish, toss them in the water to get a shark feeding frenzy going.
Scariest thing I evver experienced was a 15 foot Hammerhead surfacing 4 feet from the boat and staring me in the eye. Eyeball to eyeball with a stone cold death machine(Theres a song title). Every hair on my arm raised up and I froze just staring into its lifeless cold eye.
Ill never forget the hair on my arms just standing straight up.
[img]https://i.insider.com/650b317e12dc4f001a175dfb?width=700[/img] +1
30 novembre 2024 à 10:46
30 novembre 2024 à 03:54
30 novembre 2024 à 10:26
30 novembre 2024 à 16:52
2 décembre 2024 à 18:49
Metal sessions avec Batterie, Guitare and Basse:
La casa de papel
One of the last Visions Before
Monday Night Mayhem - Redux
Wicked Things
CPU - 0x180
Energic lady
Water Child
Death 2
metal Rhythm (bass and drumm add)
Ramatron (drum and bass)
Partial Judas with Guitar
Monday Night Mayhem Death
Cancelled Renewed
Brave men are fighting
Brave Men Fight
Ode to the Grinder
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