The Gentle Side of Snake
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Joe and Nick served up a good one here. I think the add probably doesn't suit Snake's character but maybe he had a few quiet moments. Some spoken word or quotes(if these are not copyrighted) about Snake could fit between the sax patches. Thanks for listening.
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26 octobre 2023 à 17:01
26 octobre 2023 à 17:17
26 octobre 2023 à 20:17
The Snake Plisskin Quartet uses sax. +2 +2
26 octobre 2023 à 20:50
26 octobre 2023 à 20:16
Saxophone always suits the Snake! Always a pleasure hearing your sax , Patrick. I do enjoy me some saxophone.
26 octobre 2023 à 20:45
26 octobre 2023 à 21:35
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