The Torch Fretless Burning...
Added my fretless lead guitar like NeoBlues taste...😉 Hope you like ot
Harley Benton G112 Celestion V30
Cabinet for Electric Guitar
169 €
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15 octobre 2023 à 00:34
15 octobre 2023 à 01:32
15 octobre 2023 à 23:48
15 octobre 2023 à 02:46
15 octobre 2023 à 10:27
15 octobre 2023 à 05:09
15 octobre 2023 à 10:26
15 octobre 2023 à 09:33
15 octobre 2023 à 10:25
15 octobre 2023 à 13:19
amazing sustain on that guitar, what a rich sound!
I'll be bold and say what could be better in my opinion - do not get me wrong, I really love what you did here, 100% serious, but there are two things I just feel like telling you:
I believe the chance to have some singer or horn player join us here would have been a bit better if you had left a bit more space for them to fill.
And second: On my speakers, your lead guitar is a bit too loud and sticks very in the front of the mix, pushing the drums very way back. I'd predict that if you were a little less prominent in the mix, the listening experience would be even better, because the experienced ear will kinda open up to catch the subtle things, but that does not need to happen if your instrument already is very prominent, as it is the case here.
I know the moment when listening to a mix and feeling: No, now I'm too far in the background, but it is always good to give one-self a break here and rather ask: Can I still hear my instrument well if I focus on following it? If the answer is yes, then you are loud enough... I really hope you can read this as an inspiration, this is without of doubt a very beautiful track as it is ;) +1
I'll be bold and say what could be better in my opinion - do not get me wrong, I really love what you did here, 100% serious, but there are two things I just feel like telling you:
I believe the chance to have some singer or horn player join us here would have been a bit better if you had left a bit more space for them to fill.
And second: On my speakers, your lead guitar is a bit too loud and sticks very in the front of the mix, pushing the drums very way back. I'd predict that if you were a little less prominent in the mix, the listening experience would be even better, because the experienced ear will kinda open up to catch the subtle things, but that does not need to happen if your instrument already is very prominent, as it is the case here.
I know the moment when listening to a mix and feeling: No, now I'm too far in the background, but it is always good to give one-self a break here and rather ask: Can I still hear my instrument well if I focus on following it? If the answer is yes, then you are loud enough... I really hope you can read this as an inspiration, this is without of doubt a very beautiful track as it is ;) +1
15 octobre 2023 à 13:26
Your comments are welcome, and what you tell me is completely true, I have the habit of elevating my instrument above the rest (I myself am aware)... I must hear your comment to elevate this type of jam to mystical experiences in future tracks, because your base is very good friend!! thanks for your feedback!!! I'm glad you like it!!;)🙏
15 octobre 2023 à 21:41
I have uploaded the isolated tracks in both jams in case you or someone wants to re-edit or cut and edir the sounds!! Thanks for your contribution!
15 octobre 2023 à 22:04
15 octobre 2023 à 22:07
Gracias!! la guitarra fretless tiene su punto... hace eso slides... imposibles con trastes!
17 octobre 2023 à 01:37
17 octobre 2023 à 17:59
Reggae sessions avec Batterie, Guitare & Guitare:
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