Don't Cut Your Hair

Costa Rica
Keiton 1307 jams
Remix step I
Costa Rica
Batterie & Basse:
Keiton 1307 jams

Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
+ 4
7 sept. 2023
I added rhythm tracks to my old one. Thanks for listening:)
Taggé comme / Sonne comme:
metal, rock, keiton, bass, drums
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Cool<3 +1
7 septembre 2023 à 12:28
Keiton Thank you so much:) +0
This deserves a thumbs up. Long hair is a sacred thing 💪

The song is also good. I can imagine the song title being sung in my head.🙂
7 septembre 2023 à 18:09
Keiton Thanks so much, Aito. The title was "80s Hair Metal" at first. I was going to go with "long hair or skinhead" this time, but luckily I still have long hair, so I went with this title. This tune is more hard rock than metal. There is no guitar solo here. If I played it, it would all be blues:D +0
7 septembre 2023 à 19:00
Aito I still love bands like w.a.s.p.

So rock and blues is the perfect basis for heavy metal :W
8 septembre 2023 à 07:11
Keiton WASP is a good band, I Wanna Be Somebody is musically excellent. Considering that the Yardbirds became Red Zeppelin, HM/HR bands in that vein have had more than a little blues influence. You are right:) +0
8 septembre 2023 à 07:50
Aito I'm a little bitter though. I had bought tickets for the wasp concert last spring, but it was canceled a couple of hours before the start :(

Well, luckily it was a beautiful day, with beer in the bar and a hotel reserved. A nice change to everyday life. :)
10 septembre 2023 à 05:25
Keiton Canceling a concert a few hours before the start is unprofessional, but it's what Blacky Lawless would do. Michael Schenker has played 2-3 songs thrown his guitar and left many times, even in Japan. I never get into that trouble so far:) +1
10 septembre 2023 à 07:11
Aito You are right about Lawless. I've also heard wild stories about how he may have canceled gigs at the last minute.

When he was younger, he sometimes even ask for more money a moment before the gig and canceled if payment didn't come. Well, at least that's what the rumor says.

At least this time he had a good reason. Bad back problems, which ended up canceling all the concerts for the rest of the year.
10 septembre 2023 à 10:17
Keiton Bands like LA Metal and GNR are all about 60 years old now. And if they cancel a tour without a valid reason, they have to pay huge damages. That's business. Many people just want to do music:) +0
Great work here:W:W +1
7 septembre 2023 à 18:10
Keiton Thank you so much:W +1
Sounds awesome :W +1
10 septembre 2023 à 05:19
Keiton Thanks a lot, Great Texan:) +1
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