true colors
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
filo and josepssv have designed a musical picture that i really want to add a few brush strokes to.
27 juin 2023 à 14:50

27 juin 2023 à 21:55

Thanks Wade If these are beautiful harmonies for me, I know that I am walking on the edge of general listening taste.<3
27 juin 2023 à 12:19

27 juin 2023 à 22:04

27 juin 2023 à 12:24

27 juin 2023 à 22:03

27 juin 2023 à 12:40

27 juin 2023 à 22:02

Thank you Dan for this visual comparison. I also think in pictures and unfortunately not in sounds. In a way, I envy people who are acoustically oriented. In my professional life, I was able to observe how sound and radio-oriented people started a huge mediation project. Result: every year some 10,000 people walk through Vindonissa with headphones.
27 juin 2023 à 12:55

I'm glad there are people like you and Josep for having the audacity to add something to one of my quirks... Congratulations René :):)
27 juin 2023 à 15:48

27 juin 2023 à 18:07

Your adds are not only creative they are "unique" because they never sound the same and always fits the vibe of the music you are adding to!!!! Bravo, Rene!!!!
27 juin 2023 à 21:49

Thanks Dan, your comment is like an early birthday present! I try to fight with and against the paths that have been trained and set in my head. Often my fingers put a spanner in the works - they then play the usual :)
27 juin 2023 à 21:00

More complex!! That’s a very good exercise for my brain to follow, not simple but fun and interesting!! Klasse René:W
27 juin 2023 à 21:45

28 juin 2023 à 05:53

Thank you so much for that inspiration Abu!
I receive it as a gift
These Wikiloops gifts are lovely!:)<3
It motivates me now that a piece of music somehow lives, like a living being even if it is not: it is born, grows and dies +1
I receive it as a gift
These Wikiloops gifts are lovely!:)<3
It motivates me now that a piece of music somehow lives, like a living being even if it is not: it is born, grows and dies +1
29 juin 2023 à 06:37

Thanks very much. I think music is also subject to this cycle, everything passes, but some things not so quickly:)
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