Artificial Intelligence is here.
This track is an example of the forum discussion: "Artificial Intelligence is here. Everything will change soon. We too." It was created with the free tool Magenta Studio. For this I chose different presets of a bitwig sequencer, a kind of "hidden AI".
Mix with Neutron 4 (AI-supported), preset 808 and....
2 mars 2023 à 17:05

You are a very talented composer and you blend all your cool"sounds" to convey your title and description!!! Excellent, Rene!!!
2 mars 2023 à 20:43

Dan, I didn't do much here other than set instruments and choose a mix preset. I wanted to show an example of the possibilities of Magenta Studio (AI). It is correct that the color of the track is mine. That's clear to me at the moment. The AI helps me to achieve what I want and it's in some cloud, hopefully not exactly near the 70s :D
2 mars 2023 à 22:31

I learned by trial and error playing many gigs over many decades that instrumentalists do not create or produce good music alone and it is achieved with creative work from producers, composers and even critics. Also their work in molding the music template also serves as inspiration to musicians who actually will play the music.
3 mars 2023 à 03:12

2 mars 2023 à 15:47

2 mars 2023 à 20:45

2 mars 2023 à 18:54

2 mars 2023 à 20:38

2 mars 2023 à 19:49

2 mars 2023 à 20:38

2 mars 2023 à 23:10

2 mars 2023 à 20:47

2 mars 2023 à 20:56

hello Gary, I understand your fear when you look at this globally. AI is designed to help us make the music we want. Then if it's a little better, why not? AI is in Kemper, in modeling amplifier, I count the EWI among them. We are in a process that will bring mistakes, but can also bring joy. Magenta Studio is modular, try it out if you feel like it :)
4 mars 2023 à 16:12

Ist schon beeindruckend aber auch beängstigend, was da auf uns zukommt.
Du setzt diese "Welle" effektvoll um! +1
Du setzt diese "Welle" effektvoll um! +1
4 mars 2023 à 19:10

Danke Peter, aber Du bist mit Deinem EWI ja auch dabei :D. Ich glaube, schlussendlich ändert sich nicht so viel, man hat nur mehr Möglichkeiten, das Problem bleibt sich aber gleich.:D
5 mars 2023 à 16:27

5 mars 2023 à 18:00

5 mars 2023 à 18:43

13 mars 2023 à 03:53

13 mars 2023 à 03:55

13 mars 2023 à 03:57

Electronic sessions avec Sequencer:
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Just came across what you guys are doing here and it is great!!