Same Old Song Co-subbass
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
with permission from the excellent work of BigDaddyCee I added some subbass line. From the second 37 to 54 where vocorder pretend with bass harmonics and from 1.02 minute enters the subbass to compare..make ready the subwwoofers!!!
15 septembre 2014 à 18:12

15 septembre 2014 à 18:26
15 septembre 2014 à 21:33

15 septembre 2014 à 21:44

15 septembre 2014 à 23:27

16 septembre 2014 à 01:06

16 septembre 2014 à 03:22

20 septembre 2014 à 11:40

Pop sessions avec Sequencer and Basse:
Throw Back Thursday
The Curtain
Cee Song
African eyes
Summer Beat
When Rain Falls + bass
Flight (+Bass)
The Rain Fell
Angels + Bass
The curt Train
Jam 6021 With a little bass added
Party In A Maserati
Another Rainy Night (+Fretless)
Play With the Bass
Give Me Bass - Give You Soul
Sara's Extended Edition
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If someone had told me that one day I played with musicians from all over the world I would have taken for a madman. Today this is real! Thanks Dick