Hanging On A Hope (Drum+Bass Add)

Guitare & Vocals:
Carlomac 407 jams
Remix step I
United States
Basse & Batterie:
JoeOnBass 1.535 jams

autres instruments:

+ 9
29 août 2021
Congratulations Mr. Maciocco on 100 jams, I recorded the sounds I heard in my head to your guitar and vocals. In the days before everyone having the Internet in their front pocket, we as musicians in Boston, MA would venture into New York City to perform at clubs in "The Village" section of the Island of Manhattan. People would drink wine, or coffee, sit at tables and our groups of musicians would perform songs so very similar to this, I ...
Cool Bass and Drum add JoeOnBass I like it :Y<3:W +1
this is sounding real nice, liking the bass and drums you added here Joe :) thumbs from me :) +1
And now I travel through time and space and I find myself playing at the Village in New York with you :)
Thanks for your addition and your words my friend!
Bass and drums perfectly capture the song's vibe. Great work! :W Unfortunately I've never been to US but perhaps all American music that I have listened to since I was young is still in my blood :)

Emerson is essentially a soloist project and now through wikiloops I have the privilege of playing with great musicians from all over the world (like you). But ... who knows? Maybe the project could evolve. Thanks again for your add and for dedicating time to my music. I hope we will have other opportunities to collaborate my friend :)
29 août 2021 à 20:23
JoeOnBass I appreciate you and your music, thank you for sharing. it helps me grow as a musician. I hope we get years to continue making magic! :-) +1
29 août 2021 à 23:08
Carlomac :W:) +0
Great add Joe. I especially like your reflection on your early days memories. It made me want to go back to those simple times when life was full of promise and the future was an open road to adventure. :W +1
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