zu viel
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Sapiens Album Mix.
special thanks to Wade for the magical saxophone ;o)
26 décembre 2020 à 08:48

Ah yes my friend. Definitely there are too many of us and nobody wants to talk about it. It should be shouted from every rooftop.
5 janvier 2021 à 15:17

Great job! I really like this mix, with the mixture of Chris's guitar, Wade's sax and, of course, your strong vocals. A great example of how disparate elements can combine to make something unique and special <3
2 octobre 2022 à 20:33

What did Venus say to Earth?
Ewwwwwww, you’ve got Humans!! Nevermind, this will pass, you'll get quickly healthy!
Uli, du sprichst hier alle Themen an und aus, die so belastend sind für uns. Danke <3 +0
Ewwwwwww, you’ve got Humans!! Nevermind, this will pass, you'll get quickly healthy!
Uli, du sprichst hier alle Themen an und aus, die so belastend sind für uns. Danke <3 +0
Electronic sessions avec Sequencer, Vocals, Guitare and Mix:
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