Tell you again...
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Thanks Ezio and David,:W:W for making this beautiful piece, I include a new intro and the intro was incomplete, I have finished guitar to the beat of Ezio :D:D Fun Time :D:D
31 août 2020 à 22:20

31 août 2020 à 22:25

1 septembre 2020 à 05:25

1 septembre 2020 à 21:22

1 septembre 2020 à 06:51

1 septembre 2020 à 21:23

World sessions avec Batterie, Guitare and Clavier:
Naked Dreams
Wherever you go I will follow you
The Illusionist.
On Track
Another Day
Do you hear the bells ?
Pinky Promise
Enriched air.
Augustus the 7th..
Mystical Scroll
Próxima Centauri
El verbo amar
The Honey Bee
I like this day
Night of the Stormcrow.
Tell you again...
Miss You
Three Quarters of Eight
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If only Wikiloops was around when I was younger, I would be a lot richer as a musician. I,ts great to share. Thanks Wikiloops.