Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Thanks Dan and Gary ,11 minutos largos ,amazing Jam,amigos :W:W LoL :D:D
It was really fun, I played a parallel guitar, really creating another escape route, but always attentive to Gary's notes, they were like two telephone crossings in the middle of a long road,I hope you have the patience to listen to this long Jam, the really fun thing was being able to play with it :W:W
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10 juillet 2020 à 12:13
I love the description of "two telephones crossing" which is a great way of describing this. Good stamina to have made it all the way too :)
10 juillet 2020 à 17:10
10 juillet 2020 à 13:12
The music notes mingle then fall like leaves floating freely to land where they will. Love it bro Thanks. :W <3
10 juillet 2020 à 17:11
10 juillet 2020 à 14:04
10 juillet 2020 à 17:11
11 juillet 2020 à 00:13
11 juillet 2020 à 04:40
Electronic sessions avec Guitare, Guitare & Sequencer:
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