looking for a place to get down....

United States
Basse & Vocals:
solozolo 2564 jams
Remix step I
United States
Basse & Vocals:
solozolo 2564 jams

Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
+ 3
9 mars 2020
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the t.bone Ovid System CC 100
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rocking little track here solozolo :) +1
9 mars 2020 à 23:00
solozolo Ah thank u Shi :Y +1
Love this:D:D +1
Now I come to town looking for something to get down with
Yeah I come to town looking for something to get down with
Because I can party all night long till the sun comes up you see
When I hit town I roll in with the top down
All the cold air from the night light blowing through my hair
Because I come to town looking for a place where I can get down
I like to party till the sun comes up
I like to party till I so drunk that I can barely barely walk
Barely walked around
Because I come to town party down get down
Now with the night air blowing through my hair with the top down
Listening to some old rock N roll as I am crushing through this town
Because I come around looking for a place to get down
Come to town looking for a place to get down
Come to town looking for a place to get down
Because I liked to party all night long till the sun comes up
And I am so drunk I can’t find my way back home
I am so drunk I can’t find my way back home
But I drive around this silly town with the top down
And the hair blowing in the wind
Because I liked to party till the sun comes up
I liked to drink so much
Sometimes I get lost and I can’t find my way way back home
Well I come to town looking for a place to get down
Because I come to town looking for a place to get down
Well I come to town looking for a place to get down
Well I come to town looking for a place to get down
Ah Yeah looking for a place to get down
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