Let The Funk Begin Again
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
I hope you get inspired :-)
24 juin 2021 à 17:34
:W:W :Y :Y I think there some great things to do with this... but time forces me not to make promises ;)
16 août 2021 à 07:08
16 août 2021 à 16:29
Funk sessions avec Batterie, Sequencer, Basse and Guitare:
Crazy Boy Toy!
Purple Traffic Jam
Taking Turns
- CrAzY BoY FuNk -
Purple Traffic Jam
Cool Core Chaos
Candies garden
Afternoon Groove
Closing Time (+ drums)
No, Funkus for YOUR Rumpus
Let The Funk Begin Again
Crazy Boy
Oil and Gas
Still Noodles….
Easy compost with Phaser guitars
Much Funk
Let's Try this new Toy !
Falu gruuuva
Purple Traffic Jam
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