֍ Particle Bath Ϟ
An attempt at blending a kind of psychedelic rock backing with modern electronics. All colliding together in a warm bath of fission chips. Be conCerned.
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Condenser Clip Microphone for Ovid System
49 €
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30 juin 2019 à 21:35
30 juin 2019 à 21:48
30 juin 2019 à 21:52
1 juillet 2019 à 00:45
This is so very a band named "Conjure One". They are one of my favorite bands ever (Their albums NEVER have left my music rotation in 13 years)and are basically a modern day Pink Floyd with some of the most ammazing female vocalists mixed with psychedlic electronic dance jams from studio wizard Rhys Fulber.Hypnotic electronic rhythms with stunning female vocals, guitars and effects wizzing across the speakers. Think you would love them Dan. Go straight for the album "Extrordinary Ways"..
You would have to understand what they are about to appreciate the very high compliment I just gave you. +0
You would have to understand what they are about to appreciate the very high compliment I just gave you. +0
1 juillet 2019 à 12:27
1 juillet 2019 à 01:55
1 juillet 2019 à 05:43
1 juillet 2019 à 09:49
1 juillet 2019 à 11:21
1 juillet 2019 à 14:21
Fantastic Dan,:W I'm listening to some Kraftwerk again but this time with Depeche Mode!:D
Ehhh ... I did not smoke anything! jejejejej:W:D +0
Ehhh ... I did not smoke anything! jejejejej:W:D +0
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