Backing tracks
Batterie, Guitare Acoustique, Guitare, Basse, Vocals and Mix
the less you know
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
a better mix version..... the other sucked
10 juin 2019 à 13:28

12 juin 2019 à 09:50

Excellent jam here again ! I think the volume of the voice track could be put more forward :W
Thx again buddy :W +0
Thx again buddy :W +0
13 juin 2019 à 02:50

thanks..im trying to figure the best way to produce...i'm an armature at best on this....but im gonna keep working at it
13 juin 2019 à 21:06

Pop sessions avec Batterie, Guitare, Vocals and Basse:
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Many thanks for creating this amazing site,its every jammers dream,so many great musicians to record with. Thanks again.