Extra Bar
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Thank you all for your engaging template: it's really open :W
Cheers :)
17 février 2019 à 19:26

17 février 2019 à 19:39

I'm not sure (I can not find a satisfactory translation of the term "stem" in music), but if you were referring to my HD track, it is now available ... I was uploading it when you were writing :)
Thank you for the feedback :) +0
Thank you for the feedback :) +0
17 février 2019 à 20:26

17 février 2019 à 20:28

17 février 2019 à 20:42

17 février 2019 à 20:47

18 février 2019 à 01:51

18 février 2019 à 06:14

18 février 2019 à 23:45

19 février 2019 à 00:44

Thanks Wade for the feedback!
Unfortunately with the mixer I have to learn a lot ... and I fear that this will not be the last mix on which there will be something to say :D +1
Unfortunately with the mixer I have to learn a lot ... and I fear that this will not be the last mix on which there will be something to say :D +1
19 février 2019 à 02:10

Hopefully I'm not being unkind. Just making observations. The last thing to do when you've finished your mix is to bring up the overall volume to a level that works.
19 février 2019 à 06:18

Good morning Wade :)
I was referring to my future mixes and not those of others, for clarity :) +1
I was referring to my future mixes and not those of others, for clarity :) +1
Jazz-Rock sessions avec Batterie, Clavier, Basse and Mix:
The Marcos´s Visit (NO DRUMS)
Mystic Trance
Mystic Trance
pizzicato bass, piano y rhodes
Crazy Lines Again
EP Symphony w/WarmPads
Steely Joe
Old Shoes Extended
Fill in the blanks
Looking Through the Raindrops
Brainbreaker (YuuLi on vocals)
Brainbreaker (feat. YuuLi)
Discussion With Freud...
Lunatic Underground
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