Alien Lovesong K2-18b

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frankyguitar 1023 jams

Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
+ 18
16 févr. 2018
Some harmonies and a lot disharmonies in this Alien love song from K2-18b (search in internet, you will found some about) where live really crazy Aliens they have love songs like this :D LOL Enjoy :)
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Das haut mich um Franky!! Absolut stark:o
16 février 2018 à 23:20
frankyguitar Verdammt, jetzt warst Du schon vor mir dort :D
Dankeschön Peter, hatte das schon eine ganze weile im Ofen, habe es heute nochmal nachgewürzt und dann serviert :D
Freut mich riesig das es mundet :W
Creative, inventive, original, ‘out of the box’ coolness FrankyBaby :) +2
17 février 2018 à 10:06
frankyguitar :D thank you very much StellaBaby :D I know, it's not a balm for the ears, but had much fun with:) ;) +0
You're on my wavelength (ultra-violent?). I also have a tune I called Alien love song (It's not here, but could share although a poor quality live recording). Not quite as "out there" as yours. Obviously I like it. +2
17 février 2018 à 10:19
frankyguitar Thanx very much Wade :D It could be ultraviolet is a very short wave and I'm a short guy Lol
That's interesting with the name and I would suggest post it. I'm a huge fan from the Space, Astronomy, Aliens, Planets , SiFi, a.s.o. I would like to listen your idea behind that title:)
17 février 2018 à 19:23
Wade Will see if I can find it first, then send it to you personally. It's a live recording from the "way back" so too crappy for the ears of audiophiles here. +1
17 février 2018 à 23:49
frankyguitar Sounds good, I'm looking forward to it:)
Thank you:)
18 février 2018 à 03:39
Wade Can't find it (so far). Thought it was on a soundcloud account, but not, and not in this computer. Maybe I'll find it next week on my computer in Australia (that's where it was recorded). +0
Fripptaculious Franky:D
17 février 2018 à 10:27
frankyguitar Frippertr:Onics :D big influences from the both CD in the discription. I really like to make music like a very small Robert Fripp LOL Thank you very much my good friend:) +0
Fantastically creative franky, by the way what are you actually smoking these days......I want some👍🚬👏😎 +2
17 février 2018 à 10:34
frankyguitar :D Cuban Cigars, they have a great flavor :) Thanx very much Peter. I'm really happy you like this tune. I think the most people would say it generates "ear cancer' LoL +1
Cooool and creative:D:D:D:D +1
16 février 2018 à 23:22
frankyguitar Yeah, thanx so much David :D Much fun in this meal :D +0
Wow - da ist Dir ein grosser Wurf gelungen Franky!!! Fantastisch!!! Für mich ist da alles drin, was mir gefällt: Harmonien und Disharmonien <3<3<3 +1
17 février 2018 à 10:23
frankyguitar Dankeschön René, das freut mich riesig!! Es lag schon eine ganze Weile auf der Festplatte, es fehlte noch etwas... Heute, bzw. Gestern viel mir ein und auf was es war, noch ein bisschen Gitarre am Anfang. Manchmal tut es gut die Dinge etwas ruhen zu lassen. Die Lösung kommt dann plötzlich wie von selbst:) +1
Awesome Franky :D:D fantastic +1
17 février 2018 à 10:43
frankyguitar Je, je, thanx very much mi amigo Xavi!! :) :D :W +0
francisco al
ficou bem legal. bom trabalho, amigo frankyguitar. solo legal, as viradas de bateria, bem legal, harmonia, bem legal. um conjunto de ideias bem legais +1
17 février 2018 à 10:51
frankyguitar Muito obrigado Francisco. Levou algum tempo para fazer isso. :) :D +0
Wow .. Franky .. this doesn't sound like a red dwarf .. this sounds like a blue giant!!! Great composition, man!! +1
17 février 2018 à 10:58
frankyguitar Patrik, da gebe ich Dir vollkommen recht! Aber ein Roter Zwerg lebt länger, allerdings nich so spektakulär :D Nicht gerade ein Ohrenschmeichler aber es hat riesigen Spaß gemacht sich damit auseinandersetzen, ganz vielen Dank!! :) +0
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