Lionel jam
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
me having a bash
3 novembre 2013 à 21:17

actually i never heard you play on this remix ... wrong track upload ? welcome onboard anyway
Metal sessions avec Batterie and Guitare:
...And Failures are lessons
Subzero:The Discipline of Fire
Emaciated Evolution
Back to Metal
Nights Lament
Iced Over
Darkest Days
Wrath of the Void
One Thousand Years
Come on
~Forced Retreat~
Left For Dead
The Uprising
breaking down
Parlor Trick vol.2
Here Comes The Doom
Heavy dance and evidence
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Everyone deserves to be able to jam with others! supporting wikiloops with a penny here and there, and share links on the web makes this possible!