Breaking down to the bass
Il n'y a pas encore de remix de cette session !
Nice strong rock template, I loved the guitar and drums work on
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2 janvier 2018 à 09:42
2 janvier 2018 à 09:47
2 janvier 2018 à 09:49
The mix is awesome! I was looking at your profile. You have serious bass artillary.Im completely blown away by this. Sounds fantastic.Every song you do gets more and more amazing!
2 janvier 2018 à 09:52
I'm glad you liked it bro, yeah I have some beast basses that make things much easier :D
2 janvier 2018 à 09:57
2 janvier 2018 à 10:42
Whatever the music style you are very impressive jussef and agree with Relavity, your sound and mix are always so good !!
2 janvier 2018 à 10:45
Thank you very much Tof, you have great sound always also, I drop to your profile from time to time to listen to your music and jams
8 janvier 2018 à 11:40
14 janvier 2018 à 07:27
And i was kind worry that i was the only mexican representing metal but i just liten to your jam and its killer
Metal sessions avec Batterie, Basse & Guitare:
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