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Keiton and The Friends of Blues by Keiton

Keiton and The Friends of Blues

Keiton and The Friends of Blues
À propos de cet album

Keiton and The Friends of Blues Keiton créé par Keiton on 2 janv. 2016

Apprécié: 27
Ecoutes: 4384 fois

Artistes impliqués

Blues bLues Blooz' BLuez


Chronique par Tofzegrit le 26 janv. 2016

So many colors in the Blues, here is a great collection of them. I'm not an addict of this style, I mean my wife did not leave me yet and I have not named my guitars (Wade) !!
But this is always fine to listen to ZeuH Blooz and in this category, Keiton is one of the BLUES MASTERS on Wikiloops!
Thanks for this quality opus Man.

Great Blues Collection ;o)


Chronique par Uloisius le 17 août 2016

Wonderful Album my friend, I am very pleased to be part of the whole ;o)


Chronique par frenzie le 31 juil. 2016

Keiton is the blues ter it is in his bones!! :)
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