HQ sign wrong

Posts: 82
Joined: 4 juil. 2014
I noticed on the Lately song that Chris'/Tofzegrit #305602 supposedly had a HQ uploaded, but when I tick download there's nothing there. At Paul/pconey's #305505 mix (two steps up) the HQ sign was right that there was no HQ.

Posts: 253
Joined: 19 mars 2022
Fivestringer wrote:
I noticed on the Lately song that Chris'/Tofzegrit #305602 supposedly had a HQ uploaded, but when I tick download there's nothing there. At Paul/pconey's #305505 mix (two steps up) the HQ sign was right that there was no HQ.
I noticed on the Lately song that Chris'/Tofzegrit #305602 supposedly had a HQ uploaded, but when I tick download there's nothing there. At Paul/pconey's #305505 mix (two steps up) the HQ sign was right that there was no HQ.
See comments 30 and 31 here: https://www.wikiloops.com/forum/viewthread.php?thread_id=3931

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Posts: 82
Joined: 4 juil. 2014
I guess that makes it a new feature ;)
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