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Constructive criticism rather than systematic kindness

Constructive criticism rather than systematic kindness

mrsasandco posted on 18 nov. 2024 #1
Posts: 51
Joined: 7 mars 2021
I have very few problems with mixing or sound. I think I'm pretty good at both (in all modesty, of course).
Since I've been presenting personal stuff, the comments have been mostly in favour of the sound quality. This makes me think that there's something wrong with the music (bearing in mind that I'm an average rhythm player and also handicapped by my wrist).
I don't get the same feedback on the track when I add elements to an existing track.
Sometimes I'd rather have a critique of the track if necessary than a compliment on the sound. This systematic kindness bothers me a bit.
eothen posted on 18 nov. 2024 #2
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Joined: 15 sept. 2015
Why should one give criticism if it is not explicitly requested?
When you constructively criticize someone's work online without being asked, there's a risk that it will be received poorly or misunderstood.
We even had a case where a user left the platform after receiving some harsh criticism about their music.
This is unfortunate and not the intended purpose.
On the other hand, criticism is essential for personal growth and development.
When I think about my piano lessons, working with my band, or collaborating with local musicians, there’s no sugarcoating when it comes to feedback.
But this works without hard feelings because we know each other personally, we’re friends, and we’re used to receiving criticism in this context.
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MySounds posted on 18 nov. 2024 #3
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I`ve solved this problem by simple telling some folks to directly to message me with suggestions and criticisms and that way I AM getting regular feedback.

I agree with eothen that it may be difficult to publicly offer critiques when you don`t know how the person at the other end will take it. There`s also the aspect of "do I want to be seen by everyone else to critique someone here". After all, our comments are here for eternity ;)

But as Francis has indicated that he`s looking for feedback, I`ll happily message you directly should I ever have any constructive thoughts on your tracks.

But please, let us just hear more of Lucille
mrsasandco posted on 18 nov. 2024 #4
Posts: 51
Joined: 7 mars 2021
eothen wrote:
Why should one give criticism if it is not explicitly requested?.....

Thank you for your reply.
Actually, I hadn't thought about this aspect of the problem because the request came from me, so I accepted the consequences. Perhaps I should have used the word advice rather than criticism. Of course I wouldn't allow myself to do that to someone else, just to put them at fault. Perhaps that only applies to me. It's true that it's difficult to express yourself in this context, especially as the language used here is not my own. I translate everything with ‘Deepl’ and what's more, the sensibilities of a Latin country are different from those of an Anglo-Saxon. It's even more obvious between the north of my country (France) and the south. So you're right, it's too complicated to give answers to a generalisation that I didn't actually try to make.
Music is one answer, and I'll try not to forget that. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
mrsasandco posted on 18 nov. 2024 #5
Posts: 51
Joined: 7 mars 2021
MySounds wrote:
I`ve solved this problem by simple telling some folks to directly to message me with suggestions and
But please, let us just hear more of Lucille

Thank you, Thomas.
You can read my reply to Eothen; I think it applies to your comment, which is just as relevant. Your solution seems to be the best. English is a headache for me, so I use several translators to make sure I'm not saying the wrong thing. The way you present the subject is a good example. A thousand apologies to everyone. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
TeeGee posted on 18 nov. 2024 #6
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This subject has been discussed in the forum many many times :) Yes, most of the comments here are positive and encouraging, even if the track is not "good" in your own ear. But what is good? Everyone has a different taste and idea what is good and what is bad. And when you have new users that are very shy or sensitive, even the slightest "critique", even if meant in a positive manner can cause users to leave. So even I as a moderator am very careful what I say, we got to be careful. We like to be positive. After a while, people here learn by listening and get better anyways. And with time, friendships are made and then it is easier to give feedback. However, if you specifically write in your text: " Please give me your honest opinion, any feedback good or bad is appreciated" your friends here will give you more information :)
Aito posted on 18 nov. 2024 #7
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TeeGee wrote:
This subject has been discussed in the forum many many times :) Yes, most of the comments here are positive and encouraging, even if the track is not "good" in your own ear. But what is good? Everyone has a different taste and idea what is good and what is bad. And when you have new users that are very shy or sensitive, even the slightest "critique", even if meant in a positive manner can cause users to leave. So even I as a moderator am very careful what I say, we got to be careful. We like to be positive. After a while, people here learn by listening and get better anyways. And with time, friendships are made and then it is easier to give feedback. However, if you specifically write in your text: " Please give me your honest opinion, any feedback good or bad is appreciated" your friends here will give you more information :)

You are right that good music is hard to define. Personally, I see it this way, if I hear about a song that the player had a good time, that is the most important criterion to give a thumbs up.

So, I don't always have to like the song. As long as I hear fun or originality, that's enough. Well, sometimes it's enough to get a thumbs up if the musician has been a nice person. 😁

And not all songs have to be masterpieces. Usually it's just nice to sit on the couch dressed in nothing but underwear and play some guitar. 🙂
mrsasandco posted on 18 nov. 2024 #8
Posts: 51
Joined: 7 mars 2021
That's all right, it wasn't really my original point. I'm well aware that you can't please everyone and liking this or that music is very subjective. I was just looking for some help to be more in tune musically with everyone. But I've understood the meaning that everyone wants to bring to it. So I'll close the debate and continue on my way with you. Wikiloops remains one of the few places where you can express yourself and that's great. Thank you all very much.🥰
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DidierS posted on 27 nov. 2024 #9
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« Sans liberté de blâmer, il n’est point d’éloge flatteur »
mrsasandco posted on 1 déc. 2024 #10
Posts: 51
Joined: 7 mars 2021
DidierS wrote:
« Sans liberté de blâmer, il n’est point d’éloge flatteur »

Pas de souci, je préfère les blâmes que l'éloge, j'aime trop mes chevilles. 😂
Lazyprune posted on 2 déc. 2024 #11
Posts: 22
Joined: 15 juin 2024
It’s true that musical tastes are a very personal matter, so they’re very subjective. You can’t enjoy everything. And in music, as in life in general, kindness is the most appreciable of human qualities, with time, and age, we fully realize that it is not intelligence, in the sense of intellectual capacity, nor culture, which matter, but kindness, which is the most precious quality, an intelligence of life that surpasses all others. Having said that, I think there are some points or tips (said in a kind way) that would improve the quality of the songs we post, technically or musically, rather than waiting for the person to finally realize it on their own.The solution of MySounds (I had not thought about it), to do it by sending a personal message, would preserve the sensitivity of the person to whom we make a remark.
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