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Little Boy Blues / Wicked Rain

Little Boy Blues / Wicked Rain

Lyric #2896 by Donn5150

Tags: Armegeddon, War, Atomic,
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posted on #1
Posts: 6
Joined: 17 févr. 2022
Little boy blue / Wicked Rain
( Copyright Donn Harper Jr. All rights reserved)

Could they have imagined?
Could they really have known?
Was their sanity questioned?
Were their hearts turned to stone?
Not that it matters,
The past is the past,
The evil today,
is sufficient to last..


What a wicked Rain,
these tears that fall in mourning
Such a wicked rain
this fallout of our pride
What a wicked rain
tears of God are falling
such a wicked Rain
the sin of all mankind


The demon came calling in august
Though the candle was lit in July
The Colonel made sure the virgin was pure
So that death could take to the skies
Now it's time to learn the story
Let those with ears now hear
We've sown madness in Our garden
And the reaper has appeared


---- Bridge-----

I'm the Blood you spilled in anger
I'm the tear that falls in vain
I am your child of wonder
Your prodigy of pain
I am the dream of mad men
I am lighting in their veins
I am darkness I am death
I am Science gone insane


All the fears you find in midnight
I am fire I am light
All the pain you fear in darkness
I am anger I am spite
Behold in silence, Thunder
Just look if you would know
Behold the tears of God
In the Shattered Atoms glow....

posted on #2
Posts: 6
Joined: 17 févr. 2022
This was inspired by events and code names surounding the Atomic Bomb, named, Little Boy, dropped on Hiroshima Japan, August 6, 1945 at 8:15 a.M.
The test was July 17, Use was Aug 6, at the Yalta conference President Truman recieved the coded message " The candle is lit" meaning the test was successful.
Colonel Paul Tibbets was the Pilot of the Enola Gay, some code names used for bomb cores were, the demon, and virgin,
All together I thought it made perfect lyrics.
The state of the world today, and the wicked rain of war.
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posted on #3
ROBJOL Supporter
Posts: 308
Joined: 26 juil. 2012
Very good lyrics. I sing them on track #292283
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