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All of a Sudden chapter 2

All of a Sudden chapter 2

Lyric #2422 by Davnel99

Tags: This is Chapter 2 of short story All of a Sudden
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Joined: 28 mai 2015
All of a Sudden chapter 2

I was sitting at my desk, going through some files.
It was just after noon, when the phone rang.
It was Emma, my friend at the bank where I used to work.
"Gomer" she says. "something weird is going on".
What is it Emma? "I was sitting at my desk, when this
outdoorsy looking tall blond was at my boss's desk, and I
overheard her asking about you." when all of a sudden ....

there was a knock on my door. The suddenness startled me
I had not had a visitor to my office in nearly 2 weeks.
"come in" I said. The door opened, and this mousy little
guy wearing a tattered jacket and a Yankee ball cap
entered. "Mr LePoet" he asked. "I have a package for you".
I signed for the package, handed the old boy a $5 bill.
He tipped his cap, smiled and said "Have a nice day"
as he exited my office. The package was in old plain
brown paper, about the size of a hat box. I was about to
cut the twine and open the box when all of a sudden ....

looking out my 3rd floor window, down at the street,
I could see the mysterious blond getting out of a
limousine. She was accompanied by an older gentleman
wearing a leather jacket and a fedora. They seemed to
be in a hurry and it appeared that the man had a firm
grip on the dames left arm, almost pulling her along.
They were headed for the 20 something story building
across the street. I thought just maybe if I ran down the
stairs I could catch up with them and find out what was
going on. I ran down the stairs, taking 5 steps at a time,
and when I reached the street level I saw them just
entering the building. I started to yell, when all of a sudden ...

Gomer LePoet... aka Dave Nelson
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