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Trumpet Laden Angels

Trumpet Laden Angels

Lyric #2289 by AngeloR

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posted on #1
Posts: 12
Joined: 9 mars 2018
Show me a world
of philosophical heights
where trumpet laden angels
dance wildly in the night
soon enough
I shall be on my throne
scaling the perimeter
to call it my own
death is the throne
of my hailing universe
weird scenes of devastation
striking down on this curse
for this I will endeavor
forever and ever
someday will come together
dust upon dust
never knowing the pleasure.
posted on #2
Posts: 133
Joined: 14 sept. 2016
Thank you for sharing your lyrics I used them on track
#183180 (note) check on it occasionally because someone may add to it.
Stef added a Hammond sounds much better
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