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Café d'Auteurs

Café d'Auteurs

Lyric #1815 by Davnel99

Tags: Philosophical writers at a French Cafe'
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Posts: 35
Joined: 28 mai 2015
Café d'Auteurs

the words of love, the thoughts of fear
you can find them all, find them all right here
every emotion, that you can imagine

questions we ask each other, each and every day
what is life, just what is the perfect way
sharing our thoughts, our soul's reflection

this is the place, where broken hearts come
this is the place, where you can escape from
the worries and the concerns

a writers cafe, a sample of our special jo
you can share it here, or get it to go
blended with tears, twists and turns

you can be serious, or you can just be a nut
make someone laugh, or think about Egypt's King Tut
the world is our canvas, a glass onion

fix a broken machine, or fix a broken heart
not required to be a genius, not even all that smart
a story quite small, or large as Paul Bunyon

so come one, come all, turn left down the hall
place your order, read the stories on the wall
add a new name, to the list of your friends

Café d'Auteurs is here, it's for you and it's for me
you can share you dreams, share your pain here you see
you can be anyone, even one who pretends

Gomer LePoet... aka Dave Nelson Davnel99
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