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Ever felt like this??

Ever felt like this??

posted on #1
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posted on #2
Dick Supporter
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Sorry to say it,
but watching this video is leaving me with very split feelings.
Looks to me as if the guy was suffering from something called the tourette syndrom, and I really do not enjoy people filming someone like that to turn misery into a famous and merchandise selling youtube entertainment channel.
There's really nothing truly funny about this, and the guy is not a great guitar player as it seems,
so what is this other than a modern version of a freak show?
Well, I hope the guy gets some of the income they make out of marketing him, I imagine it's quite tough to get a job with such little ability to cope with frustration without destroying things.

Besides that, yes, I am familiar with going "Aaaaah!" in desperation if I can't get my fingers sorted, or when ending up with one 16th note too many at the end of a four bar break... it is stress relieving to do that, and fun to hear it on recordings later, too :)
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posted on #3
Posts: 284
Joined: 8 avr. 2014
..with you dick, saw this on my Facebook feed from someone.....and just thought.."sad". he obviously does it a lot cos the guitars he smashes are all pre-busted and taped together. quite apart from anything else the sheer vandalism of busting up an instrument (however lowly) makes my stomach churn.
posted on #4
Posts: 83
Joined: 11 mai 2014
What I see, is an actor with poor abilities, glad to get some attention by the guy behind he camera.
He should try to bake a cake and eat it all alone.
Perhaps this will help him. (just a first-step-proposal)
posted on #5
Ernie440 Supporter
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haha LMAO! I've seen that one before. Maybe real?? Hard to say, either way I think this guy has a much more balanced approach to his music and is actually a better musician in a lot of ways.

posted on #6
TeeGee Supporter
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I don't think it's tourrette, just a bad player, bad actor, bad temper and attention seeking antics. He only kicks his old guitar but not the good one. Just a ***** pile of ****** fake and not really funny to be honest... now the singing dog, that's real talent. Not just the soulful singing, but the very sensitive piano playing. That is not easy to do with a paw!!
posted on #7
Wade Supporter
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Although this may have been posted with the intent of humor it's fairly ghastly. I'm starting a new thread that will hopefully allow us to share our feeling and methods of working when we aren't quite making it. Things that can put you in the mood, attitudes, practice/record space etc.
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