Best of 2016 vol. 1

À propos de cet album
Just what I consider some of my better wiki performances this year, Thanks for all the great jams my friends
créé par
on 15 janv. 2017
Apprécié: 17
Ecoutes: 3512 fois
Artistes impliqués
Just what I consider some of my better wiki performances this year, Thanks for all the great jams my friends

Apprécié: 17
Ecoutes: 3512 fois
Artistes impliqués

Very nice mix of songs
+2Chronique par frenzie le 6 févr. 2017
Great to hear a raw authentic rock voice on the loops! Great album keep the good work coming! :) :)

Thumbs up on this album
+1Chronique par garymcmill le 15 janv. 2017
Best of 2016 describes it well.
Some damn good music here!!

The Rockish Power Voice of wikiloops!
+1Chronique par adu le 15 janv. 2017
Man you´re a cool guy. All your Songs sounds like truth with your Vox!
Bravo Gary :)

Great Singer
+1Chronique par ivax le 15 janv. 2017
Thanks Gary for your great work,very good my friend

great collection
+0Chronique par Pewi le 10 avr. 2018
With delay (sorry for that) I discovered today this great collection of you! I am proud to be a part of it, thank you for that!
wikiloops online jamsessions are brought to you with friendly
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I'm delighted to be able to support WikiLoops. It does so much for so many of us by bringing us all together and encouraging us to play nice and support each other. WikiLoops is how the World could be... thank you!