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Me and My Guitar by DannyK

Me and My Guitar

Me and My Guitar
À propos de cet album

This is a selection of some of my six-string contributions here on the 'loops. I hope you hear some you hadn't heard before - and that you enjoy them! Thanks to all of the great musicians I accompanied. DannyK créé par DannyK on 19 août 2016

Apprécié: 19
Ecoutes: 3105 fois

Artistes impliqués


Chronique par sgorumlu le 24 août 2016

awesome album...

Fantastic Album


Chronique par PJE le 22 août 2016

What a great collection of songs from Danny showcasing some of what is best about the sharing that goes on here on the loops

with a selection of some really great musicians....its an honour to be included thank you


Super Cool Album !


Chronique par aleonz le 22 août 2016

I've been listening this album while I worked this morning,
and this great collection really give such a great feeling,
it's an excellent mood booster.

So glad to be part of this wonderful album Danny!


Cool collection!


Chronique par Marceys le 21 août 2016

Hey Danny!

Enjoyed the track very much, great to hear them again!

Thanks for sharing this and cool to be on this album!



Way of expression


Chronique par Tofzegrit le 13 sept. 2016

From 4 to 6 !
It was a so nice surprise to hear you on guitar the first time and yes I claim "you are great on 6 too"
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