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Waterval II by abuitremorem

waterval II

waterval II
À propos de cet album

waterval project II:

walk to the rythm .. on the carpet, on the catwalk, in the city, threw the forest, marching .. in the mud ..common to the waterval walk!
viva le model!

participating band members:
abuitremorem créé par abuitremorem on 28 avr. 2016

Apprécié: 17
Ecoutes: 3890 fois

Artistes impliqués

thank you for being a part of this wonderful project


Chronique par AKchen le 29 avr. 2016

light like a cloud, heavy like stone ... we walk .. when we walk straight we can feel a line threw our body, from top to toe ... the waterval project brings freedom ... jump in & enjoy your feet ;)

Wonderful density


Chronique par josepssv le 28 avr. 2016

Different perspectives, different feelings inside!!
Thank you all for accepting what is unconventional. I know that's hard


Chronique par moonchild le 29 avr. 2016

Thank you for sharing this journey! Quite unique~

fat kisses


Chronique par earlsteven le 29 avr. 2016

i realy like this stuff because of strangeness, i think i understand everything...

a superb audio adventure ;o)


Chronique par Uloisius le 29 avr. 2016

Ich liebe diesen experimentellen Sound von euch, very cool album ;o)
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I love the supportive vibe of the musicians,all this talent! and lots of great music created on so many levels, it's really special&truly inspiring!
frenzie from Netherlands

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