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The No1 singles by nilton

The No1 singles

The No1 singles
À propos de cet album

My personal contribution to the music industry nilton créé par nilton on 23 janv. 2016

Apprécié: 17
Ecoutes: 3299 fois

Artistes impliqués

Oh Yea


Chronique par Wade le 19 févr. 2018

Great variety and scope in these selections.

The Professor !


Chronique par Tofzegrit le 19 févr. 2016

Nilton lives guitar, he is the expert.
History, Theory, Playing (Fingered !!),
His secret: "P R A C T I C E"
Cool Album with such cool ambienced tracks, many guitar colors


Chronique par kimbo le 24 janv. 2016

always interesting ...some great sounds...but ALWAYS interesting. :)

What a cool surprise :)


Chronique par wjl le 28 oct. 2018

I came to know Nilton in Steinfeld 2018 and wanted to hear more of him, so I ended up here. And wow, what an album! I see on the numbers that it's all early WL stuff, but man - that doesn't take away anything from the creativity which can be experienced here. Thanks Nilton for your wonderful collection! And now let's make some music (Tof is right, Nilton always was the first one up and practising) :)
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