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Strange world by AKchen

strange world

strange world
À propos de cet album

it is a strange world ... but it would be nothing without the musicians of wikiloops, who made this possible ... thank you my dear friends :)
vocals by AKchen AKchen créé par AKchen on 22 déc. 2015

Apprécié: 19
Ecoutes: 3472 fois

Artistes impliqués

Strange,Innovative and really cool


Chronique par frankyguitar le 10 févr. 2016

You search progressiv and innovative music with intelligent lyrics? Download this Album and your Dreams come true !! Dive in the world of AKchen and see how strange is the mankind!!

Your world !


Chronique par Tofzegrit le 23 déc. 2015

I do not stop to tell how you are talented in creations!
Any song you make is unique, sometimes so special and ?
And what about your skill about finding and singing on crazy soundtrack the others could do .

Really a strange world


Chronique par seriouss le 22 déc. 2015

Your songs are really fresh and inspiring. The title of the album fits perfectly to our days.

Thank you for your work Akchen !! :)


Herausragend !


Chronique par Uloisius le 4 mai 2017

Habe mir das ganze Album in Ruhe angehört ... schon eine seltsame, sehr individuelle Welt in die du uns da entführst ;o) Dies ist eines ders Alben bei dem es sich lohnt gut zuzuhören - am besten mehrmals ;o)

"strange world"


Chronique par ericblom le 22 déc. 2015

What a versatile talent is Andrea. Present at every musical way and produces much. Uniquely vulnerable voice that every time touches my heart and soul.
An honor and a joy to work with her.


At the beginning of a hike to other dimensions


Chronique par abuitremorem le 4 mai 2017

This album is already in a musical direction, which Waterval takes up later and condensed. On the other side of the mainstream, a fascinating sound world opens up here. I am glad that I could contribute to this.
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Dirkus from United States

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