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Marceys Songs by Tofzegrit

Marceys Songs

Marceys Songs
À propos de cet album

Some songs from Marc
There are other ones and of course, I've played on many of these ones Tofzegrit créé par Tofzegrit on 20 déc. 2015

Apprécié: 23
Ecoutes: 3649 fois

Artistes impliqués

It's Marc...


Chronique par mpointon le 13 janv. 2016

... Yeah that. It's Marc. The 'Loops finest musician. The man of cool The man who knows his keys. The man who's chords scares us mortals. The man who can sing. Most importantly, the man who *knows* music and what just makes it damn well work.

Marc. The man responsible for some of the coolest tracks on the 'Loops. As we say in the UK, you're the dude for the gig. And, to quote 'Top Gun': you can be my wingman anytime!

Thank you. And thank you Tof. Wikiloops' other dude for the gig. The man. The cool. I will gig with you and Marc until I die if I have my way. And then I'll keep paradiddling on the gates of St Peter until you let me in, dammit!

Super cool album


Chronique par jmrukkers le 3 juin 2016

Great going guys, a great showcase of some of the coolest Wikiloops songs

Very cool album


Chronique par TeeGee le 9 févr. 2016

Just listened to it, truly a grit compilation!!

great tribute :)


Chronique par AKchen le 29 déc. 2015

I always loved and love, when marceys is singing ... super idea and gesture to catch them in an album :) thank you :)

A great tribute for PP BB


Chronique par aleonz le 29 déc. 2015

As one of that PP BB guy Fan, I'm so happy to found and listen to this album, and you guys all is serving all delicious groovy tunes in loops, which is my fave place to play and jam

excellent album Tof with a super cute cover!


Great !!!


Chronique par Uloisius le 28 déc. 2015


Thanks Tof!


Chronique par Marceys le 23 déc. 2015

Thank you Tof for creating this cool album! And a way cool albumpicture you have chosen there!

Gonna print this one and burn a "real" album of it!

Thanks again!


Nice selection. Nice album cover


Chronique par Krasimir le 17 déc. 2022

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Great fun for all, a great way of learning to improvise. best musical web site I have come across, cannot put the guitar down now!
davidaustin from England

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