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Alice Leonz & Cody Tripp by MajorTom_III

Alice Leonz & Cody Tripp

 Alice Leonz  &  Cody Tripp
À propos de cet album

collaborations by ALeonz & Cody Tripp MajorTom_III créé par MajorTom_III on 9 janv. 2016

Apprécié: 17
Ecoutes: 3212 fois

Artistes impliqués



Chronique par aleonz le 9 janv. 2016

Thank you for the bottom of my heart for make pull of these song together into a bundle of joy...always a pleasure to sing in your track, you have so many songs that hard to resist, they all beautiful Tom! thank you so much...and looking forward to play in your song :)



Chronique par ivax le 12 janv. 2016

Great Alice...Thanks
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